Hearing God's Voice When the World is Chaotic

Does God still speak to people? And if so, how do we hear His still quiet voice when the world around us is loud and chaotic? In this episode, we will be talking about hearing God's still quiet voice. Why is this topic important? Because life dishes out challenges and obstacles. Our family recently experienced one of these life altering challenges - the loss of a job. We started asking the typical questions: - How are we going to provide for our family? - Why is this happening to us? - God, what are you up to? We will share about our initial reactions after hearing the news, a story from the bible (Samuel's encounter with God's "quiet" voice in 1 Samuel 19), and advice for anyone who is wanting to hear God speak. Let's keep building faithful families - yours and ours! Nathan and Nina Scripture quotations are from The ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.